2009年8月7日 星期五



1.          「原子核會從順磁性旋轉,變成逆磁性旋轉,顯然就是原子核的轉速不穩定。」順磁旋轉與逆磁旋轉之頻率相同.這個頻率叫Larmor frequency,它與外加磁場強度有關,然與時間無關.若會愈轉愈快,顯然與時間有關,但查一下方程式即知,其中並無時間一項,故不可能愈轉愈快.由順磁旋轉跳到逆磁旋轉,只是能階不同,轉速不變.如果轉速會變,那就糟了,大概所有的pulse sequences都不能用.

2.          We see the same thing on different aspect. You stand on the side of spectrometer and all the data it provide, but I stand in the view of the small world where the nuclear move according to their physical law.

3.          When a pendulum swings, we see its frequency is regular, and we think its speed is always the same. This is a viewpoint from our body sight.

4.          But for the pendulum, it swings from the highest still point and speeds up to the lowest point, and when it goes up, it become slower and slower to the other highest point, it stops at that point in a flash, then falls down , speeds up again.

5.          Different energy level is really very much like the different sites of a pendulum, where it moves at different speed and direction.

6.          If we neglect the process of a pendulum movement, go straight to calculate the times it swings every minute, the frequency should be the same.  

7.          「核磁共振基本原理:對不知名的化合物,注入磁的能量,讓不知名化合物中,某些原子核帶有磁性的原子,因為吸收太多能量而太活潑,而讓電子暫時跑出原本的軌道(遠離原子核),這叫激態;接著,原子核維持慣性力量會再度把電子拉回去,並且原子會以波的形式,釋放能量;核磁共振儀器就是在測量釋放的頻率是多少;電子恢復原本圍繞原子核的軌道,稱為基態。」核磁共振與原子核有關,與電子無關.妳第九十篇所言大致不錯,那篇並未提及電子呀.

8.          An atom is composed of the nuclei and electrons. The nuclei becomes active, so does the electron. This is my idea.

9.          「作者認為,必須增強磁場的原因是原子的電子雲,有遮蔽磁場的效果。電子雲只是原子外圍的一層膜,它的行為深受原子核的影響。」這個遮蔽效應很小,NMR光譜的單位是ppm,百萬分之一,可見遮蔽效應只有外加磁場的百萬分之一左右.

10.      Seeing the topicShielding, Mary Anne Fox, James K. Whitesell的《Organic Chemistryp167.

11.      「注:把不知道結構的分子放入磁場,分子裡面的有活磁性的碳原子核,會被周遭的電磁波激化進入高能階狀態,然後又釋出多餘的能量,回復到原本的低能階狀態,這樣周而復始,在二種能量狀態間波動,取得平衡;被激化的原子,恢復到原本低能階狀態過程中會釋出能量,能量用波的形式展現,成為核磁共振儀測試到的訊號頻率。」妳這麼寫,似乎只要將分子放入磁場中,即會自動產生核磁共振的訊號。

12.      This is jus a foot note for Mary Anne Fox, James K. Whitesell的《Organic Chemistryp168~p171. The textbook’s content is the subject.


